The name of this organization shall be the Des Moines Music Teachers Association.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
Section 1. The object of the Association is the advancement of musical knowledge and education, further advancing professionalism in teaching and a cooperative spirit among musicians.
Section 2. Activities of the Association are aimed at the promotion of the Art of music, the dissemination of knowledge about education in music, and the advancement of music appreciation in this community and throughout the State of Iowa.
Section 3. The Des Moines Music Teachers Association is not organized for profit, and no part of its net earnings may be used to benefit any individual.
Section 4. In the event of the dissolution of this organization, any funds remaining in the treasury after the payment of any outstanding debts shall be contributed to a non-profit organization, such as the Music Teachers National Association Foundation.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Section 1. Active membership is open to all persons interested in any field of musical activity. Such membership provides the privileges of participating in the activities of the Association, holding office and voting.
Section 2. All members of the Des Moines Music Teachers Association shall also hold membership in the Iowa Music Teachers Association and the Music Teachers National Association.
ARTICLE IV – Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Association and their terms of office shall be as follows: President and Vice-President, one year terms with the Vice-President moving to the office of the President the following year; Secretary and Treasurer, one year terms.
ARTICLE V – Fiscal Year
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from July 1 to June 30, inclusive.
ARTICLE VI – Amendments
Section 1. The constitution may be amended at any business meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of Active members present and voting: the proposed amendment having been submitted to the members at a previous business meeting.
ARTICLE I – Membership Dues
Section 1. Annual membership dues for Des Moines Music Teachers Association will be payable at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1), and will be included with IMTA/MTNA dues.
ARTICLE II – Privilege of Membership
Section 1. All members in good standing are admitted to all meetings and functions of the Association.
Section 2. Members who have not paid dues by July 1 are not in good standing and are not entitled to any of the privileges of membership until dues are paid for the current membership year. In order to, as a member, enter students in IMTA competitive and non-competitive
events, annual dues must be paid by September 1st of the membership year or October 1st for first time members.
Section 3. Non-members may enter students in competitive events by paying a non-member fee of $50. Non-members would be expected to abide by all the rules of the local association such as deadlines, working the day of the competition, etc. A member who has not paid dues by September 1st would be considered a non-member and could enter the competition only by paying the extra non-member fee of $50.
ARTICLE III – Duties of Officers
Section 1. The president shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the final meeting of the year. The committee shall present at this meeting the names of candidates for elective offices falling vacant for the coming year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Qualified members may cast ballots for no more than the number of offices open to balloting for the year. Candidates receiving the largest number of votes will be declared elected for a term of one year. New officers will assume office immediately following election.
Section 2. Any vacancy in office except that of the President shall be filled by ballot at any regular meeting of the Association. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall fill this vacancy.
Section 1. Annual membership dues for Des Moines Music Teachers Association will be payable at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1), and will be included with IMTA/MTNA dues.
ARTICLE II – Privilege of Membership
Section 1. All members in good standing are admitted to all meetings and functions of the Association.
Section 2. Members who have not paid dues by July 1 are not in good standing and are not entitled to any of the privileges of membership until dues are paid for the current membership year. In order to, as a member, enter students in IMTA competitive and non-competitive
events, annual dues must be paid by September 1st of the membership year or October 1st for first time members.
Section 3. Non-members may enter students in competitive events by paying a non-member fee of $50. Non-members would be expected to abide by all the rules of the local association such as deadlines, working the day of the competition, etc. A member who has not paid dues by September 1st would be considered a non-member and could enter the competition only by paying the extra non-member fee of $50.
ARTICLE III – Duties of Officers
Section 1. The president shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the final meeting of the year. The committee shall present at this meeting the names of candidates for elective offices falling vacant for the coming year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Qualified members may cast ballots for no more than the number of offices open to balloting for the year. Candidates receiving the largest number of votes will be declared elected for a term of one year. New officers will assume office immediately following election.
Section 2. Any vacancy in office except that of the President shall be filled by ballot at any regular meeting of the Association. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall fill this vacancy.